When someone mentions being in a big truck accident, he or she isn’t referring to a pickup truck. Big rigs, semi-trucks, tractor-trailers -whatever you want to call them- are big and dangerous. If you were involved in an accident with a big truck, regardless of the role you played, you should take the following five steps, as a truck accident lawyer, can explain.
1. Check for Injuries
The first thing you should do after a truck accident is check yourself for injuries. Because of how big and heavy semi-trucks are, not many people walk away from an accident unscathed. If your injuries are severe, you may want to stay put. If you are able to move, get yourself out of more harm’s way. If there are others involved in the accident, and you are physically able, check everyone else for injuries as well. Administer first aid if you need to.
2. Call the Authorities
Even if everyone is fine, it’s important you call the authorities after a truck accident. You need a police report that gives an accurate account of what happened so you can file an insurance claim or a lawsuit for compensation. If there are injuries or deaths, you’ll want the proper medical personnel on the scene to administer care.
3. Collect Evidence
If you are physically able while at the scene of your accident, start to collect evidence. This could include photographs of the accident, including your injuries and property damage. It could also include witness contact information. As you go to medical appointments, hang on to any documents your doctors give you, especially the medical bills.
4. Call the Insurance Company
You need to call the insurance company of the party responsible for the accident so you can let them know you plan to file a claim. There isn’t any other information you need to give them initially. If the insurance company starts to call you and bother you, you can refer them to your lawyer.
5. Call Your Lawyer
A lawyer is going to be one of your best advocates after a truck accident. He or she can help you understand the laws truckers are required to abide by so you can find holes where things may have gone wrong. He or she can help you deal with the insurance company. When it comes time to file the claim, your lawyer can walk you through the process.
Getting Started Today
If you were recently in a big truck accident, there’s no time to waste. Contact a truck accident lawyer today to get started with your case.